Londoner wrote:The word 'bachelor' refers to a concept. True, we might have instead chosen the word 'caelibem' (Latin) to refer to that concept, and provided everyone understood it then that would do, but what we are interested in is the concept, not the sign for that concept.'A bachelor is an unmarried man' is an accurate description of the concept 'bachelor'.I wasn't really asking how can one tell between analytic and synthetic propositions, I rather meant to ask where the truth of analytic propositions derives from? It seems that we agreed that synthetic propositions, if they are true, then they are true by virtue of the way the world is. But what makes analytic propositions true on your view? Do you accept the common view that analytic propositions are true by virtue of the meaning of the terms?
Belinda describes 'analytic' as a glorified tautology, but that doesn't imply it is so obvious. When you ask me what I mean by 'analytic'; you are asking me to give the equivalent of 'a bachelor is an unmarried man' answer...although in this case it is far more difficult. Far from being arbitrary, the meaning of 'analytic' is a subject of contention amongst philosophers.
So, although a dictionary of philosophy would say 'Analytic propositions are propostions that are true by virtue of their meaning', that doesn't tell us whether a proposition falls into that category - and if it does, exactly what that meaning would be. Indeed, isn't this expressed by the reflex response of philosophers to any question i.e. 'It depends what you mean by...'?
I disagree. If we were to try to create a form of geometry that was true of real objects in the same way that Euclidean geometry is true of two dimensional ones, we would first have to have the equivalent of his postulates. These postulates would have to be (necessarily true) about real objects.What do you mean by 'to have the equivalent of his postulates'?
And we don't have to create a new form of geometry because we already have it, both euclidean and non euclidean types of geometry function perfectly well as parts of Newtonian and relativistic physics to describe and predict physical phenomena. How did Einstein manged to make all his predictions with such astonishing accuracy if the mathematical and geometrical apparatus that he was using wasn't describing correctly how space-time behaves?
But the discovery that E=MC^2 isn't like that either, but it doesn't mean that relativity wasn't a discovery of new facts about the world.This is beside the point. The example of E=MC^2 just illustrates that your objection that Pythagoras's theorem can't be a discovery of a fact about the world because it's not of the form "there exists a continent in the west..." is not very sound, because there are tones of true statements about the world which are not of the form "there exists an x...", and physical laws is one obvious example. On my view, Pythagoras has discovered some necessary properties of all possible euclidean spaces, and this seems to me like a significant discovery about reality (which feature of reality the theorem is supposed to be about is of course another question, I'm not saying that it's the same kind of thing as E=MC^2).
Unlike geometry, that formula is ultimately based on science; unlike a theorem its truth or otherwise would be determined by empirical evidence.
This isn't to claim that empirical evidence is conclusive, however the conventions of science accept as an assumption that they are, and also that certain sorts of reasoning are valid.I don't understand what the epistemic uncertainty of scientific discoveries has to do with my claims about geometry?
Earlier in this exchange I mentioned the idea that the truth of statements are understood in their context. What verifies a proposition in science isn't the same as what verifies one in geometry (or psychology etc.) Similarly, the assumptions required for one are different to those required for another. That is why you cannot mix them. For example 'I dream of monsters' is evidence of a psychological state, it may be a fact, but it cannot be used as evidence of a scientific proposition.
In other words, there isn't 'the world' about which there are discoveries. There are various worlds of understanding about which we seek to better comprehend.