Geordie Ross wrote:
Yes? They are first hand accounts?...... No they are not!
They're accounts based on someones first hand accounts of someone/something. You can faith in it or reject it that seems like a good deal to me.
Also, what about the prostitute Jesus was so fond of?
He had more interest in the lower classes, outcasts and scum of Jewish society than the elites so those were the people he hung around with there.
There are hundreds of authentic ancient texts from across the world. Yet your group bias dismisses them as myths.
If you mean the Vedas or whatever they generally kind of are though you can't really place them in history relate them to people in geographical space and time and you elephant heads and whatever, or it's the philosophy and accounts of some guy saying something. We would both want a bit more than just that. A resurrection from the dead will do very nicely.
This is nonsensical apologetics. You cannot account for an omnipotent, omniscient and infallible deity using such a poor method of communication. It does not add up.
If God just clobbered you over the head with something undeniable that would deny the need of faith which I think would defeat the idea. It wouldn't be voluntary for you if he did that. So you need something
good but not too good, the perfect balance.
Surely god, as a perfect being, should create a logically sound and undeniably true message that cannot be refuted by a rational mind.
Perhaps that's exactly what he did? Though he did "hide it in plain sight" to some extent.
The number of eye witnesses for alien abductions is far larger than that of the resurrection.
Perhaps people do experience something unusual that happens to them? They may be well be "night terrors" or they could be
something else we don't really know. You can keep an open mind on those as there have encounters with non-human entities that go back thousands of years the world over. They may bear some relation to what people used to call "fairies" if they're real but I'm not saying definitely are.
Should we assume that aliens have a fascination with inserting probes into human rectums?
I don't know if that's ever actually reported or it's a comedy cliche.
Also, why wasn't this shared experience world wide?
Well it was eventually but you have to start somewhere. Perhaps there are tribes in the Amazon who haven't heard about Jesus but that's probably about it.
Gods geography seems to be concentrated into a tiny corner of the Middle East and North Africa. Isn't god universal? Why are his actions so specific to a tiny part of the land mass of earth?
That's why believers had to set out on missionary work and preach the gospel and the Word of God as revealed in Christ. This wasn't just something to tell pass onto your children. So you have the global plan of campaign there.
Why didn't Zeus create the universe?
Well he didn't, this is how Zeus was born and raised according to Greek myth.
"Zeus was born by the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Cronus was notorious for being a very jealous and greedy deity. Out of the fear one of his children could take his throne, Cronus swallowed every child Rhea was giving birth to.
However, when Rhea gave birth to her last child, Zeus, she managed to trick Cronus with the help of the Titans Uranus and Gaea. She gave her husband a rock in swaddling clothes to swallow, as a substitution to her child, and sent Zeus away to the Greek island of Crete. Special daemons named "Curetes" made noise by hitting their shields, so that Cronus would to not hear the cries of the baby. Zeus was raised secretly by the Nymphs and was fed with honey and milk from the goat nurse Amaltheia with the help of her broken-off horn. Soon came the day where Zeus was mature enough to claim the Kingdom of the World and he started a battle against his father and the Titans. This battle is also known as "Titanomachy". First, Zeus managed to liberate his elder brothers and sisters from his father's stomach by giving him a special herb and making him disgorge.
Then, with the help of his siblings, Zeus overthrew the Titans in the depths of the Underworld, the Tartarus. After overthrowing his father Cronus, Zeus was confronted with the Giants and also the monster Typhon, which he both defeated successfully. Time had come for the Kingdom of the World to be in the hands of Zeus and his siblings! Justly, Zeus drew lots with his brothers Poseidon and Hades to let luck determine who would become the new King of the Gods. Zeus won the draw and he officially became the ruler of the Earth and the Sky and the Lord of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain of Greece."
The argument that it was (insert deity here) is equally as valid as yours.
I'm not sure if Zeus has any rational argument/s to back his existence. You're looking at some kind of composite between Indo-European sky god (Deus) and a Mediterranean fertility god. The Bible more or less states that these beings are all works of fiction and not to be worshiped as gods as there is only the one true God of the universe. And there are good rational arguments for this kind of God. Anything like Zeus you can just treat as ancient literature and cultural heritage.
To claim otherwise is a fallacy. Simply because it is the deity you prefer does not give your argument any more weight.
No because you have decent arguments to support Gods existence and real people/locations/events (and possible supernatural events) in real history. Zeus is nothing remotely at all like that at all.