Greta wrote:
Have you ever worked in a scientific institution? […] We are talking about immensely hard-headed, intelligent and ornery types, not easily led lambs.
I find scientists' findings vastly far more credible than your unsubstantiated assertions. Beginnings and endings are a fact of life, even if contained within a larger, *seemingly* endless larger entity, ie. the Universe.
1. Scientists maybe immensely hard-headed, intelligent and ornery types but when it comes to accepting irrational science from the past they suddenly become very soft-headed, unintelligent and weak types. They just become typical communists and accept the irrational, otherwise they wouldn't get their qualifications in the first place. The system initially brainwashes them with nonsense which they must accept to pass the university tests and then takes away their initiative, common-sense and time for external studies. The time restrictions in study don't allow any spare time for external study of alternate theories. Alternate theories are trashed by the system and any person found discussing them would be expelled from the system. Thus, the system protects itself, by making external study an
unspoken thought crime. (George Orwell 1984 etc)
2. Beginnings and endings only relate to life forms. The universe is not a life form, thus, it is not applicable. It is illogical that the universe has a beginning and ending or that the universe is confined to a measurable area. Limiting of the universe is just a result human insecurities and is an ego related problem. It is a psychological inevitability of human group and individual behavior patterns. It is also a religious control mechanism that is used by the ruling classes so that power may be maintained. Note - Complication of simple science creates confusion and disorientation of students. Thus, confused and disorientated students are more easily manipulated.
-- Updated February 20th, 2014, 10:58 am to add the following --
Present awareness wrote:
I agree with what you are saying here, although I would not label a different concept as childish. […] Everything that exists, occupies empty space. It is the empty space which allows us to move around freely.
Science creates fairy tales about the universe to keep the 'little children' (thats us) happy. They make it all nice and sugary so we don't have nightmares at night. Like a fairy tale, they give it a beginning and an ending to make us feel secure and safe. Ni ni little ones, don't let the bedbugs bite!
A letter I received recently from the Australian Taxpayers Alliance -
There is nothing more vital to Australia's prosperity than securing our next generation.
But our universities have become little more than production lines for hard-left brainwashing: I will never forget what happened when I was a first year student at the University of Sydney.
I was studying economics, and half way through First Semester, my macroeconomics tutor pulled me aside after class.
“Tim” she told me “you know more about economics than anyone else in this class. But unless you’re going to start supporting Keynsianism, we’re not going to pass you. Don’t rock the boat”.
Don’t rock the boat - This is what she actually said.
I was directly threatened with failure because I refused to support a discredited, failed, left wing ideology. Follow the left wing line, or fail.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Beware! The devil wears the mask of a saint.