Philosophy Explorer wrote:Wizard, I don't see how conservation relates to picking up a stone unless you're talking about conversion into potential energy. And how does this relate to the life of a stone?Modern science upholds the tenet, Conservation of Energy. If energy neither is created nor destroyed, then it is paradoxical to then further posit that the Universe began, or will end, and that matter was created or will become destroyed. Because there are logical contradictions here.
Any presupposed beginning of the universe must also presume the same about the beginning of energy. In fact, this is why Big Bang ardents claim that at the "beginning" of the universe, all energy was smashed into an minuscule location. But there is a much simpler explanation:
The universe is not the same thing/type as energy. You can even presume that energy exists 'outside' the universe.
Philosophy Explorer wrote:Where you said: "Death is the anthropomorphized finality. It is a projection of a supposed non existence." Don't astronomers talk about stars dying?Yes, that is an anthropomorphic fallacy. You don't say that rocks live and die, do you? Do you say that helium gas lives and die? No.
Philosophy Explorer wrote:Getting back to that stone, doesn't' its existence end when a stonemason smashes it to bits?At least, its energy is not destroyed, but transformed.
Existence is another concept to avoid, for now. The existence of a rock is not the same as its energy, or supposed "life and death", beginning and end.