Xris wrote:http://ccosmology.blogspot.co.uk/ Found this image of a hydrogen atom from Cern. Looks like ropes to me.Is some one in Cern realising something?1. Sorry, there aren't enough ropes here to reach every atom in the universe. Note - Some of the ropes appear to be curved. Does this mean that some of the ropes aren't in tension?
2. It looks like someone has been watching the old Dr Who intro and copied it in a computer simulation.
3. By what means did they obtain this image? I hope they didn't smash one atom against another atom because that would cause an explosion, like the one in the picture!
4. Note - If you make one miniature galaxy smash into another miniature galaxy, you get a miniature supernova. Looks like you have given me more evidence that atoms are miniature galaxies. Thanks for your assistance in providing further evidence to prove my theories. Do you have any more!