Steve3007 wrote:JKlint: (Nested quote removed.)
You're probably right. I was just trying to wring some philosophy out of the subject by seeing if I could spot any genuinely difficult moral dilemmas.
I guess at least some of the poachers, if they could think of it, might use the same kind of argument that is used against us rich westerners when we worry about developing economies becoming too rich and increasing their carbon emissions. They might say that we started our poaching and emitting a long time ago and now we've suddenly decided that these things are wrong so nobody else should be allowed to do it. Of course, when we did it, since it hadn't been done on a large scale before, the species weren't yet endangered and the carbon-dioxide wasn't yet too high. So it was (kind of) OK then and isn't now.
But it still might be possible to make us sound like hypocrites: "It's not fair!" they might say "You had all your fun in the Victorian times shooting stuff and riding around in steam engines, and getting rich as a result, and now, as soon as it's own turn, you tell us the rules have changed."
That's always the default position isn't it? We've done it in the past so now it's their turn. But you do the poachers too much honor in thinking that they're even thinking about it as you have! It's all about gruesome slaughters for a fast and considerable gain. That's all there's to it, profit, which becomes even more profitable the less there is to kill; supply and demand you know and demand is high in China and Russia.
But whether it's the default position or not - which is one of the most illogical and morally disgusting ever encountered - this argument or excuse you hypothetically bring forward would certainly not apply in this case.
Poachers are criminals in just about every country which still possesses a modicum of indigenous wildlife. It's citizens, I would think, would not want that to be deciminated not least because what's becoming increasingly rare also becomes that much more of a tourist attraction from which the state profits making poachers it's enemies.
So what I'm saying is that your default argument, in this case, however conjectural, is not even remotely applicable.
BTW hunting in the Victorian times and later was not considered poaching because there was nothing overtly illegal about it. Those who subscribed to trophy hunting - big white man with a gun - were usually the low life bastards who were already rich!