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“The site of this concerted spiritual work is the same remote highlands where the U"wa, who number roughly 8,000, retreated in the 1600s to avoid being enslaved by the conquistadors to work their gold mines. According to the U"wa's oral history, in the face of the ferocious advance of Spaniards and missionaries, several U"wa bands chose a "death of dignity" by committing collective suicide rather than a life of slavery that would keep them from fulfilling their culture's true purpose of existence: to preserve the equilibrium of the world. Nearly 400 years later, the appetite for black gold presented the U"wa with the greatest threat to their existence. Harkening back to their ancestral history, the U"wa threatened to commit collective suicide if Oxy proceeded with oil drilling in their territory.”
One of the questions I have asked myself in the course of my life is, “What would I be if I had been a healthy 20 year old German male in 1939?” Once aware of the history and pervasive culture of the time consideration of the possibilities are frightening. I don’t think I would have ascribed to the murder of noncombatants but I assuredly would have been a strong supporter of the wiermacht. The question begs concern once one considers how ordinary Germans participated in wholesale slaughter. Then again how is it that I can qualify a different standard to the value of life as a soldier in a standing army and a soldier in a death camp?
I have decided to respond to each chapter independently as each chapter offers different commentaries rather than offer a collective view. Since the response to the last book waned I feel it important to participate in this selection even though I would in all likelihood never have allowed this book anywhere near me. Alas, I am an ardent supporter of meaningful discourse and do not allow for selective imprisonment of ideas.
I have been to the rain forests of South America and can attest to the fact that life in that part of the world respects no boundary. Dig a hole in the ground, walk away and in a matter of days the hole would become invisible having been over run with life. Building a road is almost futile as its topography changes daily do to encroachment and the whether conditions. The saying in that part of the world is “put a stick in the ground and it will grow into a fruit bearing tree”.
What astonishes me is selective concern for the environment. If one follows the U”wa rational then anything on the earth is an integral part of a life form (Gaia) and should be respected as belonging to that life form which would make basic human survival impossible. That everything on earth has a purpose and use which can be defined by man and can be considered a cultural belief in itself which should be equally respected would not cross environmentalists’ considerate concern for cultural respect.
I am relieved that I never had to make the kinds of decisions a young German did but I am doubly grateful that time and progress allows me to evaluate that time for my own improvement. I am also glad that U”wa’s progressed to the point that they did not commit mass suicide and found it more beneficial to see the benefits of approaching problems with man made laws.
When everyone looks to better their own future then the future will be better for everyone.
An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason.
C. S. Lewis
Fight the illusion!