You have a golden opportunity to prove that any one of the four pieces of evidence are false.
1. Infra-red radiation does not cause global warming. Experimental evidence provided previously. (ignored)
This is ignored because answering would involve educating you in the absolute basics and it is just too tedious. Start by reading something on 'the greenhouse effect'.
2. 30 years of NASA satellite images of North Pole show no sign of significant change. (ignored)
See 4.
3. Global average temperatures have decreased in last 17 years. Graphs included. (ignored)
No they haven't. The trend line continues to rise, although less fast. Remember, every year of the period you quote - even the coolest ones - are hotter than anything seen before the 1980s.
Besides, if you think the measurements for the last 17 years are accurate, you can hardly rubbish those other measurements that do show a steady rise. So you must admit global warming has occured.
Which leaves you with the problem of looking for an alternative explanation for the warming than the obvious one i.e. the increase in greenhouse gases. (nb sun cycles don't fit)
4. North Pole ice has returned to its average norm this year, 2013. (ignored)
No, this year looks like being well below average although within the long term mean. Last year, minimum sea ice cover was a record low, 18% below the previous record low. We don't have the equivalent figure for 2013 yet (minimum ice is in September).
I suspect this is another version of 3. If this year's figure fails to also be a record you will claim the trend is over, even though the figure is still a record compared to earlier years.
Incidentally, it isn't just the edges of the ice cover that is important. In some years the ice will thin and spread, so it covers a large area but has holes.
Here is a website that explains:
But once again, I detect a creeping failure of confidence. First you challenged us to prove any one of your examples is false, then you immediately shifted to:
If you can't prove that all four pieces of evidence are all completely false...
Now you don't have to be on the philosophy boards long to be aware that you can't prove a negative, and recognise that this is always the last-ditch defence of a faith based system:
'You can't prove God didn't create the world in 4004BC'
The only response is 'No, I can't prove it to you, but the reason I can't is because your beliefs are not founded on evidence or reason'