Leonodas wrote:Look, I think arguing about this when not a single person here is an accredited scientist is pointless.
Personally? I'm skeptical, but only because lies have been perpetrated in the past of larger measure than this. And yet I am not a denier either, because certainly the believers in a flat-earth had their reasons as well -- and yet they were so terribly wrong.
Of course, in this instance, even if a majority believe something, who indeed are the flat-earthers of this argument?
What should we all do, then? I say let the scientists sort it out. Give it another, say, thirty years. Why that amount of time? Because approximately that amount of time ago, there was a global cooling scare. Now it's all about rising temperatures. Let's not jump onto any bandwagons, be they pro or con; if in a few decades the temperatures continue to gradually climb, then there's your proof. If the temperatures dip however, then I think the climate theory remains highly suspect.
Can we all agree on this?
97% of scientists (this is a peer-reviewed-retestable-through-various-means-statistic) of scientists working within climate science believe man is causing global warming. It's not a fad. It's been going on for over ten years, with the only revelations being proof of the initial hypothesis.
The vast majority of every university with a science department in the world is on board with this idea. It's not engineered by media. Look it up. This is what the scientists are saying.
The oil industry (the largest industry in the world) funds conservative (generally U.S) think-tanks (not science departments for this) to come up with any idea whatsoever to make the scientists look like scammers. This particular thread is fallout from that.
The general public who generally get all their information from tv and the papers think there is some sort of controversy over the issue, most of the time this controversy is engineered to make it seem like there's an interesting debate going on in the area. The truth is that there is no real debate. There is a worldwide scientific consensus on the issue. Don't get me wrong, there is a negligable minority of scientist who disagree (massively inflated by good media funding), but we are talking about potentially billions of people dying in a relatively short time span if man cannot reverse the effect or come up with a way of dealing with it.
It is arguably the most important problem man has ever had to face. This is why so much legislation is coming into place.
Yes, the media are always overinflating what can be read in science papers to sell news, but in this instance the opposite is going on.
There is a necessity for debates such as this one because the conservative think tanks are gaining ground to the point where people are distrusting global scientific opinion.
P.S. No population as far as I am aware ever considered the world to be flat. This is a myth perpetuated by people who don't want to believe consensus. I think some people thought it was egg-shaped. But we are talking pre-enlightenment. Man has been through the dark ages - then we invented science and the internet.
-- Updated August 28th, 2013, 4:33 am to add the following --
And, yes my degree is in Philosophy and Psychology not climate related, but I did learn at university about the peer-review system and about the philosophical implications about when 97 out of every 100 scientists start saying 'the Earth has got a temperature and we are causing it and we don't know what's gonna happen but we're guessing it's bad.'