- August 25th, 2013, 1:08 pm
I think Schaps' point, if I have understood it correctly, regards the form of the discussion, rather than the topic. The objective of joining a philosophy forum, from my opinion, is to learn from each other, through dialogue and the pursuit of answers that, despite eluding some of the greatest minds in human history, may very well be found here.
I joined this forum with the aim of, through discourse with others, to learn as much as I can, to sate my thirst for knowledge. I wholeheartedly enjoy arguments that stretch the boundaries of my belief systems, the areas where minds can fear to tread. I feel that if I'm not challenging myself to learn and not trying to bridge the voids that my mind has constructed out of fear, that I will lapse into utter apathy.
Every subject will evoke some emotions and meet with those who find it distasteful, find themselves hurt by the topic, and others who see the thread as possibly dangerous (words can trigger harmful reactions in some). It is impossible to remain completely objective about any subject. As humans, we cannot help but let our experiences pervade into heads when we think about these subjects.
However, I firmly believe that all discourse should try to be as objective and as free from personal agenda as possible. I, for one, am one of the guiltiest parties here as regards my conduct concerning how I reply. I am quick to judge, faster to condemn, heavy, condescending and utterly offensive when I am at my worst. I know my wealth of flaws, and even though I try to change my habits, I find myself at times filled with anger when I see that other posters' seem to be promoting an agenda, responding with the most venomous tongue, which serves only to further de-rail the point of discussion.
If I have understood Schaps correctly, then I agree completely.
As regards this topic, there have been two opposing ideas set forth, but have somehow been twisted into a "my scientist can beat up your scientist"/conspiracy-wrought slug-fest. Further to this, whatever one believes is subject to "confirmation bias", a psychological process that your brain does automatically. Finding any information that proves one's argument strengthens their belief in the argument, whilst any opposing views are more likely to be ignored as specious.
My point is, I can only give my point of view, and my replies reflect my opinion, so how I respond mirrors the faults I have in abundance. Yes, I can be spiteful and nasty, and I find myself replying in this fashion if I feel that the discourse has resorted into aforesaid slug-fest. It doesn't help, I know, and so I am trying to curtail this nasty bit of bastardry.
Just thought I throw that bit of perspective in.
"We should all be obliged to appear before a board every five years and justify our existence... on pain of liquidation." -- George Bernard Shaw