The first most obvious question that seems to be asked is:
Is human activity relevant in the wider natural arena of CO2 emission and absorption?
I believe this question has been answered by many research papers on the subject but I am only here to list the questions right now.
The second question, and a fairly obvious one is:
Is the greenhouse effect actual, or perhaps more simply – does the extra CO2 emitted from human activity cause global heating?
This I believe is where the deniers propose that the scientists to offer a direct link, and I believe it strongly correlates with the 'smoking causes cancer' debate. What constitutes proof in this theory?
A third question, might be:
Is global warming (if indeed it is anthropogenic) to be considered a more salient issue than economic concerns?
Here we may have to look at the predicted costs (in human lives) of a rising global temperature compared to the cost of economic legislation (again maybe to keep things fair we should consider the cost in human lives – even if we have to begin with a figure in dollars). This I suppose would open up into a debate about whether there is any scientific link between economic downturn and mortality rates, where perhaps we may see the deniers arguments used against them.
A fourth question that keeps popping up is:
Can we trust the science? And perhaps what value should we allocate the science based on what it is telling us?
This might lead to questions like: can we trust science as a source of knowledge? Is there a better source of knowledge? And if there is any doubt, how much value can we assign to this doubt? This links into the previous question regarding the outcome if the scientists are right and if they are wrong.
A question that has come up once or twice is:
What is the scientific consensus on the issue?
It would be good to see some hard evidence regarding the actual consensus. And also maybe we should ask – which scientists should we be trusting to give us our answers (climatologists, physicists, astronomers etc.)?
I offer above just a few questions in which to frame the debate. Perhaps each one could be the basis of a new thread. I would love to hear anyone else's views regarding the major questions asked of the debate as well as any appropriate evidence (preferably peer-reviewed and published in a respectable release) which can be offered as answer to any of the questions.
-- Updated August 19th, 2013, 10:35 am to add the following --
Another question that has just occurred to me that is pertinent to this debate as well as many others is:
What constitutes corruption of research source?
The proclamation of unreliability has been made about evidence on both sides of the debate but what should we take as our measure? With any change in economic climate (or indeed ecological ones) there are financial winners and losers. So how can we tell if evidence is tainted? Direct financial funding perhaps? Being on the company payroll? I'm not sure so I pass the question over.