In my view the prime interest of science is to achieve an accurate representation of reality, while the meaning of art is to achieve the most powerful/potent presentation of reality. (This is basically the opposite of what aesthetic theory has claimed when it centered on the arts as being representational.) So science focuses on a quantified re-presentation of reality, while art's importance is to express a quality of presentation. So while both human skills (the arts and the sciences) are examples of both presentation and representation, it's the presentation that is important in art and the representation that is important in science.
While 'presentation' focuses of the impact of the agent/subject, 'representation' focuses of the import of the facts, but when we get down to the meaning, or how each relates to the "meaning of life" then I tend to agree that art is our more primitive expression of meaning, but someone with a great artistic sense, like Carl Sagan, can make science much more imbued with meaning because of the nature of his presentation.
I like this view, not because it is so right (though it is certainly close to right), but that is opens issues and philosophy should do this. "Powerful and potent" are excellent words here, for they do not define too precisely, thereby excluding kinds of experience that typically challenge our intuitive sense of what an aesthetic experience is supposed to be.
I am of the thinking that art is qualitatively boundless. It could be the scent of a rose (and why not odors and scents?), a nausea, a terror (Munch's The Scream), a laugh, a wailing; it could be delicate or vulgar; it could be pleasing or irritating; these are not limited in the expansive definition of art today (considering all that is admitted into the art world. See Dickie and Danto)
This means that art can be anything, and of course, conceptual; necessarily conceptual, I would say). Conceptual art is the most challenging for me since there is so much that is of the mere, as you put it, representational side, that is, the explanitory side or the intellectual side. Concepts themselves, qua concepts, have no aesthetic aspect (though this is an interesting issue in and of itself: all conepts qua concepts are abstractions lifted from the experience. In reality, there never has been a valueless concept since all ideas have their place in the psyche which is never without a motivation, a meaning. All concepts are of a "caring") and conceptual art puts the conceptual end of the object deeply into play (unlike music. say, which has very little of this. It's hard to find conceptual music pieces. The jingle of the bells on a sleigh represented by, say, the striking of the triangle?)
All art issues from experience, and experience is a broad range of diverse possibilities. But it would appear that not all experience, because it is a powerful and potent presentation, is art. And can it be that some art is not a powerful and potent presentation? Perhaps it is still art, but bad art. And because "powerful and potent" is so vague, does it not fail to carry the essence of art? Escaping earth's gravity requires enduring escape velocity, a very powerful experience. It can be art, I believe, but under what condtiions?
Just some thoughts.