Cronos988 wrote:There has been a lot of talk on this subforum about Quantuum mechanics, and it seems there are a fair number of people here that can no longer relate to the findings of quantuum physics because they feel it is all just based on ever-more complex and remote calculations. That none of it is based on any actual observation, or evidence, any more.
That made me thinking whether the Mathematics are not, themselves observations? Math, much like formal logic, only reforms the statements you input, it doesn't alter their content. If you put observations into a calculation, what you get out will, similarily, be observations. If you, for example, observe directly the Speed and the Mass of a baseball, because you throw it with you hand, is the calculated force of that baseball not also an Observation?
Naturally, Math works with it's own set of Axioms, but so does our basic perception.
Mathematics does work from axioms, but basic perceptions do not.
Mathematics has axioms and the calculations made from those axioms (using the symbols and operations that are defined by the system) can be considered to be theorems of the system. They are deductively ' provable' within the system. But the mathematics system is, in its pure form, entirely abstract. It has no explicit correlation with anything in the real world.
In contrast, perception is an inductive process whereby the conclusions are not deductively derivable from any axioms. (There are no axioms.) Instead they are constructed using a pattern creation process from sense-data.
In science, mathematics is applied to observations by an inductive mapping. If it is seen that the data can be described by using sound mathematical formula then that becomes a 'theory'. This theory can subsequently be used to make predictions and be tested against further observations.
When people talk about objects 'obeying' the law of gravity or about particles of 'obeying' the laws of quantum mechanics this is actually a misnomer (or perhaps a popular simplification). The laws of gravity and quantum mechanics are only descriptions of perceptions; it cannot be claimed that the real world actually operates in this way.