Dolphin42 wrote:A very strange reply. Where did I insult you? I suspect you're lumping me in with the one called Teh who appears to specialise in ridiculing and insulting pretty much everybody. Anyway, I guess I'm going to get nothing coherent from you so I'll leave you to it. Happy new year.
Perhaps I did do a bit of lumping. I apologize.
My reply to specific questions around cosmology that relies on algorithms is.... Why ask me when well credentialled researchers don't have clarity themselves when it comes to this algorithmic data and what they are seeing and interpreting?
Uniformity is what these researchers are trying to find but haven't. There is nothing wrong with trying. Indeed they need to marry quantum mechanics to the theory of general relativity. What is wrong is to suggest that what is on show at present around BB is credible, because it isn't. What may also be wrong is using a philosphy itself as a method to cull out any possibility of falsifying its own claim, and biasedly narrowing the field of possibilities to explore.
You said
The further away they are, the faster they are receding. If all groups of galaxies were spreading out evenly, this is what you would see from any one of them. This may not be what is happening, but it certainly fits the observations. We cannot travel to another group of galaxies to confirm for sure that it looks the same for them but, in the absence of evidence to the contrary and in the presence of confirming evidence, isn't it sensible to assume that it does?
That is right we cannot travel elsewhere to confirm. What I claim is absolutely correct. The illusion is theoretical and is an assumption based on BB theory. Hence what has happened is that theorists have predicted the evidence that supports BB but this is not confirmed. Then an unconfirmed prediction is used as evidence. I am just using the evidence and suggesting that if red shift has merit then perhaps it is actually saying what it appears to say and this illusion does not occur at any point in space.
If the universe is not expanding then we won't see any galaxies fading out of the view of the horizon any particular telescope viewed previously. I have not seen any data to suggest observed movement, only that it is a prediction that galaxies will fade from view.
What I like to do is to separate theory from observation. What we observe is galaxies in all directions. We observe what look like fussy bits that are meant to be 'primitive galaxies'. We see them all around us as if we are in the middle and something a little different exists all about and around us at the outer extremes of the universe. Scientists suggest they can see back 13 billion years and yet there is no huge void to look through to see the galaxies on the other side or the endless of void of the space we are inflating into on the other side. What galaxies have faded away from observable view such that we can confirm they are travelling anywhere at all? None that I know of. This is what is observed.
There is no observeable information to suggest that we are on the edge of a ball and previous cosmology was overtuend with the finding that the maths did not add up which created dark energy. IOW a mystery was invented to resolve a huge anomoly.
Honestly and seriously, it appears to me that all OBSERVATION suggests we are in the middle of the universe. There is no observed data that challenges this observation.
Then there is red shift and a heap of algorithmic assumptive theoretical science. Helios and geocentrics have some to offer. When I speak to redshift I usually qualify 'IF' the method has merit, and that data also suggests most galaxies are moving away from us. That is what the initial data suggests. Again one must further speculate that this illusion is the same at any point in space, but speculation it remains that cannot be supported not falsified at present..OR can it?.
Anomalous Redshift Data and the Myth of Cosmological Distance Hilton Ratcliffe, Ph.D., 2010.
The physical association between objects with different redshifts has been made clear in observation. If we find in observation that the Hubble redshift relationship is subject to notable exceptions, which certainly appears to be the case, it is to be hoped that they would attract careful scrutiny. Just one such exception, reasonably verified, would suffice to cast doubt upon the reliability of redshift/distance theory, with far reaching consequences for astrophysics.
I am not convinced that red shift data is saying what they think it is saying, even though for now it supports geocentrism.
So for now all observation really does support the earth being in or near the centre of the universe. The raw data on redshift also supports geocentrism for now. It MAY be just a convenient coincidence that the universe is set up so that it appears earth is the centre of the universe. It MAY be inconvenient that scientists have to speculate around this presumed illusion and come with incredibly complicated theories that are still in plenty of trouble. Fine. However for now the data better aligns with what one would expect if earth was at the centre of the galaxy. There are now some models emerging that give the concept even more credibility with many researchers seeking better answere than BB.
So "NO", it is not sensible to assume anything more than what is observed unless what is observed does not align with what you hope to find. This is where philosophy and much hand waving kicks in and assumptions are made to reason out why what is actually observed is an illusion.
Then you ask
"Is it so wrong to look for uniformity?"
No, it is not wrong to look for uniformity. Indeed astrophysicists needs to align quantum mechanics with the theory of general relativity to have any hope of thinkng about what a singularity might do, they also need to find out what they are talking about in dark energy and dark matter and multiple dimensions and string theory. "Dark" is science speak for "we have not got a clue". BB has become so ridiculusly complicated that some scientists can clearly see something is very much amiss.
However, whilst these scientists are looking for uniformity the evidence is building that these are not going to find uniformity. They only ever find more complications to resolve. It appears that some day in the not too distant future scientists are going to have to abandon this myth of dark energy and stop chasing ghosts and go with parsimony.
Parsimony indicates, even at this very early stage, that models which do not require dark matter and still align with the theory of general relativity are obviously the least complicated explanations.
Still, right or wrong, Clifton raises an important point. Assumptions like the Copernican Principle, which lie at the bedrock of cosmology, can't be held immune to scrutiny. Scientists shouldn't dismiss ideas just because they might undermine some deeply cherished assumptions.
Nor should they dismiss observations. I encountered such a situation when I was writing a story about the work of physicists Luciano Pietronero and Francesco Sylos Labini at the University of Rome. They argue that 3D maps of the galaxy distribution produced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) show that the universe is not homogeneous, but fractal. This, too, challenges the Copernican Principle, and as such, most of the cosmologists I spoke to dismissed it outright. ... -void.html
Here is another paper that challenges the status quo of an expanding universe that was refused publication without satisfactory explanation. This is yet another paper where well credentialled researchers are challenging the Copernican principle. More and more scientists who have not made their careers on BB are speaking out in frustration.
Hence when it comes to uniformism, my expectation is not that these researchers look for more excuses to support a current paradigm that is problematic, but to actually look to see what the data is telling them without Copernican blinkers on. Is that too much to ask from the scientific community?
It appears to me that the Copernican principle demonstrates ongoing bewilderment is preferable to giving up a philosophy of faith. If the earth is special I am sure some scientists don't want to know.
-- Updated December 28th, 2012, 1:19 am to add the following --
Skakos wrote:People today claim that the Heliocentric planetary model (which replaced the old geocentric one) is the correct scientific model for representing the movements of planets.
However those who make such claims surely forget one very crucial and important aspect of Science: that it is here only to create models and that changing a reference system does not affect AT ALL the "correctness" of such a model.
Why do people still refer to such things in terms of "right" and "wrong"? How much have we forgotten what science is all about?
Your opinions?
I think I'd like to reply to this again to try and get the topic back on track.
I don't think that science is only here to create models. I think science has the goal of finding answers, seek knowledge and mostly understand. Unfortunately much of what many of us would like to know is still only in model form.
If the current model of heliocentrism is changed to a geocentric model, then the 'correctness' of the heliocentric model was flawed, which is akin to 'wrong'. I think something can be wrong if it is substantially falsified. I think there is a difference between being 'tweaked' or being reinvented so differently that 'changed' is an apt description.
Researchers and philosophers, should not suggest an opposing view is 'wrong' unless it is credibly falsified and explored, or 'right' until a model has reached a certain level of substantiation. If one has already made up their minds over what is 'right' or 'wrong' this can be a huge hinderence to scientific progress.