- January 19th, 2013, 2:51 am
UniversalAlien wrote,
“Do you know what a personal attack is?”
Sure do! It is when, in the course of dialectical exchange, one person deflects an argument offered by refocusing on perceptions of one’s interlocutor’s personal knowledge, character-or what have you. What you wrote above simply fits the bill- and others can quite easily read and see it for themselves as just that. To sarcastically, and explicitly state, that “you fancy yourself a logical conduit to enlighten us I will not take up your neurons with excessive rhetoric. And I will not bother you with quotes from the great philosophers on the nature of government, civilization, and an armed population…etc.” as some supposedly fair minded-emotionally free- assessment of what I’ve done in this discourse or what I deem myself to be cannot surely be a serious reply-is it? This clear statement and tone is nothing other than a personal and insulting opinion you have of me-at least as you have of me in this context. As a result, based wholly on this caricature of me, and by your own admittance, you dismissed my objections. Quite obviously, and once more, your point here had nothing to do with the argument presented by me-you simply dismissed the objections on grounds of your perceptions of me, period! So, “no” I haven’t done the same in kind.
UniversalAlien wrote,
“If I say you are being hypocritical in dissecting others whose viewpoints are not congruent with yours while calling it a personal attack when criticized would you call that a personal attack?”
You never addressed my arguments though. You simply drug in red herrings and straw-men arguments as if by doing so you’ve made some relevant point. When your argument amounts to, “Yeah, but gun-control advocates (like myself) want all our guns and wish to leave it to the government to protect us all-leaving the rest of us practically defenseless etc…” one can only conclude that such a stance is nothing but a strawman argument grounded in your perceptions about cognitions and intentions of entire groups of people you could not possibly know, let alone establish a cogent argument on such spurious grounds. This dialectical fact isn’t me “attacking” you, it is a factual observation for which I’ve made time and again. You’re not dealing with the arguments offered. That fact may be inconvenient for you, aggravate you, you may see it as a personal attack, or whatever- but none of that is intended. You’re simply not addressing us-but your perceptions of us. That’s it!
UniversalAlien wrote,
“When I say you have turned what was an interesting debate on gun control into a lesson in how to use philosophical debate to convince others that your opinions are more valid than theirs would you consider this to be a personal attack?”
Umm… this is a philosophy forum….so…I’m not certain how I have committed some inappropriate error by BEING philosophical. Moreover, being logically consistent and utilizing facts relevant to the context in the course of argumentation are not things confined to dry methodological systems of logic; rather, they apply, I would hope, to any case that one is attempting to make generally.
This isn’t about your opinions only. This is how well you present your case. No one ought to care what you think is the deep psychological intentions of gun-control advocates. I fail to see why that’s interesting. Rather, I would think on a philosophy forum that when discussing gun-control that issues such as “liberty,” one’s view of “justice,” “rights to self-protection—the meaning of such rights in a so-called just society,” the individual’s relationship to society etc. would all be interesting and relevant. I’m sure you do have some interesting views on these and like matters- and can make some sort of sustaining argument to boot. I just haven’t seen it. If I’m wrong, please correct me by all means.
Also, I’m not against the sharing of opinions. However, when one wishes to stake out some claim that X is so, then one has the onus of showing why that might be or is likely to be the case. You’ve staked out your claim-clearly. Now defend it!
UniversalAlien wrote,
“If I say your arguments are without merit - that is not a personal attack - that is an opinion.”
K….got it! But this “opinion” still won’t amount to much if I can show that my position does have merit or, more relevant to this discourse, yours lacks some sort of 'objective' merit. This hasn’t been particularly hard to do—others here have done the same. If you wish to dismiss our positions on your mere opinion-fine. But don’t expect anyone else to respect your opinion as a serious policy position or insight. After all, if it is mere opinion ONLY, then all points of view are equally valid. But I don't think that your above posts could be or would be typically construed that way.
UniversalAlien wrote,
“But some of your arguments might have some merit so if you would refrain from what by your logic and definition might be considered 'personal attacks' on the opinions of others and state your opinions clearly, we might give them more credit and analyze them without prejudice.”
I’ve already offered plenty and can cite the posts and points for you if you’d like. I’m still waiting for some cogent reply to both my, and other people's, posts. Why I have to continue to provide what I have already done, sometimes at length—with no bias or prejudice whatsoever—is an odd request. You simply haven’t yet addressed the many objections raised to your position, none, that is, that isn’t a questionable characterization of us, and others, who advocate for gun control.
I’ve made one point about your personal attacks, which was obviously accurate, among a whole host of other points for which you’ve clearly dismissed as irrelevant based solely on your stated “opinion.” So, what else can I offer?
Eric D.