When we use the word 'pornographic' we are by definition talking about sex being depicted in a way that someone defines as obscene. But what is obscene? Some years ago in the middle of the 20th Century if you depicted a man and women in bed together in a Hollywood movie it would be censored out. Today, and often, sex acts are depicted in main stream movies which may receive an 'R' rating but would still by no means be considered pornography unless the actual physical sex act was shown in clinical detail. Why? Is the clinical sex act obscene? To some all sex is obscene - to others nothing is obscene. Who gives anyone the right to define what is obscene?
If you want to say pornography is not art and then say horror movies, murder mystery movie, war movies and other forms of bloody human destruction are an art then I ask you what twisted sense of art values allows you to call the human sex act obscene and yet still consider the bloody destruction of the human body in horror or murder movies as an art
And now do you wonder why there are crazed people with guns engaging in mass murder. Maybe they should be watching pornography instead of the latest horror flick? And maybe the psychologist Sigmund Freud was right; maybe much of human behavior is suppressed sexuality Or do you like Clint Eastwood {famous for his depiction of a violent cop in the Dirty Harry movies} pointing a .347 magnum gun at someones head and saying 'make my day' before he blows the guys head off - is that art