Naughtorios, There is magic all around us; those who don't believe in magic will never find it. If you don't like the theist part of my life story, skip it and keep the part where one reality, (since I assume you're a realist too), meets another reality. You see Naughtorios; it's not just my and your reality we must keep in mind; it is the hosts of other people's thoughts out there, who would jump at our weaknesses. Moreover, I feel free since I stopped with porn; God has rewarded me with a free spirit. If only I could convey to you how boundless I am now … it's like I'm looking with new eyes at everything I see. It's like I'm here, but I'm not. If you don't care for theism, care for psychology … anyone here would be fools to say that sex does not impact one's identity and mind. I wanted to stop with the bad stuff a long time ago; but it had me; don't think God changed me over night … but with his power; I'm happy to say I am free now; I can still appreciate nude art or a good love story.
You said I am weak, you said my God is weak; there is nothing weak in doing what is right, doing what is right is difficult and hard, but now I'm reaping the fruit; and I've never tasted something so sweet. It is my reward for truly wanting to change; only God can move a man to follow such a thing through. Now pray tell, how am I or my God weak, since every day is a victory to me? Since every day I start talking to him is like being charged with glory, shining like a pulsar in the sky? Naughtorious I hope hope we can be friends too; you don't have to change for me and I don't have to change for you. We are both wise, let's not be at odds, please.