Logicus wrote:
Where does all this leave us? This started out as a thread about the limits of Science, and it led to a discussion about particles. Does the entire edifice of Science rest on the concept of particles?
There are plenty of fields of science that don't deal with particles: Evolutionary Biology deals with evolution, neuroscience studies the brain, psychology studies behaviour, cosmology studies the universe, meteorology studies the weather .... and so on. No one is daft enough claim, evolution, the brain, behaviour, the universe, the weather ... don't exist! So, there must be something distinctly different about particle physics (or more generally, physics) that causes some people to complain that the object of its study does not exist. This is despite QM ans the SM in particular, being the most severely and relentlessly tested theory in human history.
-- Updated December 3rd, 2012, 3:23 pm to add the following --
Xris wrote:Umbridge here, thanks Logicus for your attempt at understanding my grievances.
Considering the etymology of the word "umbrage", might I suggest it is something you stand in to hide from simple direct questions like:
How much energy (given you claim 95% is "EM" energy) is there in the universe?
If it looks like an electron, behaves like an electron, has the same charge, mass and spin as an electron and obeys the Pauli exclusion principle, but it is not an electron, what is it?