Yes, I understand the idea of different realms which we've discussed before. And I understand that I (along with other people born into the modern empiricist age) may be incapable of truly placing my mind into those realms and I therefore tend to try to understand everything by interpreting the flickering shadows on the walls.
I/we can (I think you would argue) intellectually accept the possibility of the higher realms, but am still not capable of placing myself in them and viewing the world from them. Just as I can intellectually accept the possibility of a 4 dimensional hyper-cube and I can model it mathematically, and I can create imperfect 3D representations of it (6 distorted 3D cubes joined at the faces), but I can never sit inside it and see the world from it, as I can with a 3D cube.
But, from within this limited perception, I was just trying to understand how the concept of identical particles can be separated from, and be regarded as being in a different realm from, the realm of appearance.
Regarding identical particles:
As I said, my understanding is: the fact that all electrons are identical is inextricably connected to the very "phenomenal" facts of the periodic table of elements. The periods and groups and the chemical properties and all that are very much rooted in the "2D" empirical world.
Indeed, I think it was probably this large collection of superficial properties (aka Chemistry) that Ernest Rutherford was mostly referring to when he flippantly suggested that all sciences, apart from physics, are "mere" stamp collecting. He was perhaps claiming something for physics which is not dissimilar to the thing that you are claiming for the spiritual realm and which you are suggesting that modern physics is only just rediscovering.
They don't 'exist' in the way that objects in the empirical realm exist
This difficulty relates to the question whether the smallest units are ordinary physical objects, whether they exist in the same way as stones or flowers...The mathematically formulated laws of quantum theory show clearly that our ordinary intuitive concepts cannot be unambiguously applied to the smallest particles...The smallest units of matter are, in fact, not physical objects in the ordinary sense of the word
I think this could be a misleading way of putting it because it suggests a sudden, discontinuous fundamental divide between quantum world and classical world. I think it is more productive to see the strangeness of the quantum world as a reason to question our ideas about the
whole world.
The large physical objects are made from the small physical objects. The strange concepts of identical particles, wave/particle duality and all that are the building blocks from which the world we see is created. As I said, the mundane stamp-collecting world of chemistry
is applied quantum mechanics.
So it makes much more sense to me, rather than saying that the smallest units of matter are not physical objects (but the bigger ones, somehow, are?) to say that their properties force us to re-examine exactly what it means for something to be a "physical object".
There is an analogy with a mistake that I think people sometimes make when discussing the nature of solid objects. It is often said: "You may think that table is solid, but actually atoms are mostly empty space, so it's not solid at all."
This, I think, is the wrong way around. It prompts the question: "so what exactly is the use of the word 'solid'?"
The table hasn't changed simply because we have understood it better. It hasn't suddenly become less solid. What has happened is that we have gained a deeper understanding of precisely what it means for something to be solid.
Likewise, our understanding of the quantum world has not placed a dividing line between that and the macro-world. It has prompted us to question our understanding of the macro world.
There is an ancient dictum ‘as above, so below’, which saw man as a kind of epitome of the Universe.
Yes, and this, I've heard, deeply influences all areas of thought up to the Enlightenment: for example, in Shakespeare's plays. Macbeth, for example, is filled with the idea that events in the macrocosm mirror events in the microcosm and that the killing of Duncan sends ripples up into the macro-realm which then re-express themselves in strange portents back down in the microcosm (horses eating each other and stuff).
I guess gods are the superficial anthropomorphistic expression of this. But it goes much further than that.