Getting back on topic...
Skakos wrote:
Do you think Science has limits?
Not unless you believe that “imagination” has limits
(I will qualify that statement in a moment).
The obvious and ultimate goal of science is to gain absolute knowledge of, and thus complete control over the
“material” aspects of the universe.
And the simplest way of visualizing how such a goal might be achieved can be seen in the analogy of
virtual reality games and movies.
In the realm of virtual reality, humans have managed to develop computer programs that can create practically anything “imaginable” in a simulated reality context.
By understanding and deftly wielding the
informational underpinnings of visual graphics and sound, computer artists and technicians are, in effect,
mimicking in a virtual realm the “potential control” that quantum science is beginning to acquire over
physical reality.
In other words, the greater and more refined our understanding of the informational underpinning of the universe becomes...
...(whether that be through quantum mechanics or some new and exotic means yet to be discovered)...
...then the more amazing our control over universal reality will become – to the point of achieving almost anything
...(within the bounds of propriety that is – very important to keep in mind).
What I mean by the
“bounds of propriety” is that humans will not be "allowed" to create wild and illogical manifestations of objective reality with the same unbridled control available
(subjectively) to the human imagination itself, for that could result in the breaching of universal order.
Nevertheless, it seems obvious that science (unfettered) in conjunction with imagination can ascend to heights of creativity undreamed of at this present moment.
However, before that can occur, it is essential that humanity (as a whole) elevates itself "spiritually" in a context of oneness and unity before it can be handed the
"keys to the car," so to speak.
Because from the limited inroads we have thus far made in our understanding of the quantum realm, we have managed not only to create cosmic weaponry that can destroy us and the earth many times over, but are also afflicted with moronic, low-conscious, old paradigm thinking "leaders" who are ready to use the weaponry at any moment now.
All of which is a clear indication of our extreme immaturity and how our science has outpaced our general level of consciousness on earth.
Skakos wrote:
Or do you think Science can eventually explain everything?
Science itself will only be able to explain the
material properties of objective reality.
On the other hand, what we conscious and thinking beings can
infer from the explanations is another story.