Steve3007 wrote:Another one of the well known sound bites associated with quantum theory is: "shut up and calculate!" (I've heard it attributed to Richard Feynman. Could be wrong.)Actually I have a rather better explanation, but it is complicated. The summary version is like this. When the implications of quantum mechanics were being thought out in the 1920's by Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Bohr, Pauli, and Einstein, among others, there was a lot of intense philosophical debate about what it really meant. Einstein was very antagonistic to the strange philosophical implications, as per his statements about 'spooky action at a distance' and 'God does not play dice'.
This often seems to be interpretted as simply a dictatorial expression of arrogance. I think it is really a practical statement about what it is possible, and not possible, to definitively say about the world using science.
Heisenberg and Schrodinger were both philosophically deep thinkers. Schrodinger, for instance, had a life long interest in Arthur Schopenhauer and tended towards philosophical idealism. Heisenberg wrote a well-regarded book on Physics and Philosophy which is still in print, and which featured insightful analyses of Greek philosophy.There was a range of view, of course, ranging from uncompromising positivism on one side, to the mystical and mind-oriented interpretations on the other, and many more in between.
However in the post-war period most of the action shifted to the US. Unlike the Europeans, many of the Americans were not philosophically reflective, and this is where the 'shut up and calculate' attitude originated. This is because despite the strange philosophical implications of QM, it is an extremely accurate and effective theory that has been applied very successfully to an enormous range of technologies, particularly lasers and integrated electronics. These activities can be carried on quite happily without thinking about 'spooky action at a distance', which still remains, however, a skeleton on science's closet, to mix metaphors pretty dreadfully.
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