- Friedrich Nietzsche
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."
- Albert Camus
My whole life I've been called crazy.
When I would stay up all night reading Wikipedia articles and philosophy books, and teaching myself computer programming back in the days of AOL, and then skip school the next day, where they didn't have computer programming classes yet, my parents sent me to counselors and psychologists. One psychologist told my parents I wasn't crazy but just had a "discipline problem". Insofar as discipline is the opposite of self-discipline (a.k.a. spiritual freedom), I 100% agree. In fact, I'd say my so-called discipline problem has only gotten much, much worse, and I do my absolute best to make it as bad as possible. Are you starting to understand what a free spirit really is, and how it is connected to being a self-driven, self-confident, self-determined go-getter who achieves things most can't even fully dream of, even as everyone around screams at you to bring your proverbial back to harbor where it's allegedly safe and sound? How safe is safe mediocrity? Safety can be a danger depending what the safety itself is protecting. Henry David Thoreau wrote, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." He's the guy who up and went to live alone in the woods like recluse. He's the criminal who went to jail for refusing to pay poll tax. Anti-social and crazy, some would call him. Longevity and safety is, to me, the most awful curse for someone living a life of quiet desperation. Martin Luther King said, "The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important." He was a crazy dreamer who was so manically anti-social he got arrested 29 times. The Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata said, "I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees." I believe that not just in the sense of political freedom but also in the sense of self-determination, spiritual freedom, and a happy ambition and confidence so extreme it seems literally maniacal to the normies. I'd rather die as a rebellious free spirit chasing a dream than live a long life of quiet desperation as spiritual slave. All humans die, but many people never really live at all. If you never be yourself, your real self, then you never really were at all. Your human body could be 200 years old when it is declared dead, but you were really born dead and you were really 0 years old when your body died, or at least no more older than you were when you spirit effectively died. G. E. Marchand famously said, "Some people die at 25 and are not buried until 75."
If you let them, they will kill your spirit. They will kill you and leave your corpse of a spirit rotting away inside a living human body of flesh. By 99.99% of people, good-hearted people who think it's in your best interests that they make you keep your proverbial ship harbor where it's safe. But that's not what ships are made for. That's not what you--the real you are made for. It's wisely said, "Don't let the bastards grind you down." They will, sort of literally, kill your spirit if you let them. But you have let them. Otherwise, your spirit is invincible. Otherwise, you--the real you--are invincible.
Even after I already made and launched OnlineBookClub.org, nobody believed in me, except me.
And they call you crazy for that. That's because everyone except you has one belief (i.e. that you are wrong and going the wrong way), but you alone say, "no, I think you are all wrong; I see and believe in a reality opposite to what all of the rest of you see and believe in. I believe in me."
The calls of my craziness never fully stopped, but now that I have started claiming my new business will be 1,000x what OnlineBookClub is, meaning billions instead of millions, well sure enough the crazy-calling is rising in volume again. And I get it. I do.
Am I crazy or merely passionate?
Am I manically arrogant or just extremely confident?
Is it an American Dream or a hallucination? Sometimes the difference is simply how vigorously--and seemingly manically--you chase that would-be dream. Whether you see it as a dream fated to be real so long as you truly choose it or a silly hallucination that will never see the light of day, it tends to be a self-fulling prophecy.
If the normies had their way, I would have never made OnlineBookClub.org and I'd have an overpriced degree and be working a 9-5 right now desperately trying to pay off my student loans, begging the taxpayers to bail me out. I'd be fat and in debt for sure, begging the taxpayer to pay for my weight loss surgery and diabetes medication. That's the American nightmare for many. I'd have bought in 2007, right before the crash. I'd probably be an alcoholic in a sexless marriage, with tons of kids who I teach to live just like me. And I'd scream at them in anger and desperation. Sometimes the desperation isn't that quiet.
Nobody bet on me back then. But I bet on myself, and I reaped so many rewards for that bet. And I didn't and don't have to split those rewards with any backers.
While many will still call me crazy and not bet on me even now, even after all I've accomplished, I think this time a lot of people--not a majority but a lucky few--will bet on me, and those lucky few will be rewarded so well for that bet.
Call me crazy, but I say that bet will pay off insanely well. I'm talking 1,000x ROI, conservatively.
If you want to bet on me, do it at CoSho.app.
You can be one of the lucky few who gets in on the ground floor for even just $1.
Mark my words: CoSho.app is going to be OnlineBookClub.org x 1,000.
I was basically a homeless teenager when I made OnlineBookClub with nothing to my name. I got a lot more bricks and mortar on hand now to turn dreams into reality.
Bet on me at CoSho.app.
Or don't. No hard feelings. I don't need everybody. I don't need anybody. I can dance alone. I'm just inviting you along, along to something so amazing that people will call you crazy just for thinking it's possible.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, self-made millionaire, and lifelong rebellious free spirit
CoSho.app is a world-changing TikTok alternative that gives video uploaders much higher payments per-view than TikTok, Meta, and Google, all with much better privacy for users. CoSho.app won't sell your data to the government, any government.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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