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By Waechter418
The following is based on the supposition that unity comprises multiplicity to realize itself.
The interaction of unity and multiplicity is called ConsciousNess* and regarded as an inter/extrapolation that relates in a Point of View which manifests ConsciousNess.
* (The particular spelling is to emphasize the relationship of Conscious: purposeful, aware – and Ness: being, existence)
In 2750, an Egyptian priest of Ptah paraphrased it like this: “The seeing of the eyes, the hearing of the ears and the breathing of the nose report to the mind; the mind is the center of cognition, the tongue expresses the cognized” – and as this cognition consists of reflection & projection, the priest added – “thus gods are made”.
The Egyptians called the cognition Hoor Paar Kraat (Horus the Child) and its Reflection & Projection Isis & Osiris. This relativity, or state of ConsciousNess did apparently not suffice, as they reflected & projected Isis & Osiris with Nephthys & Seth, setting off a contrary Reflection/ Projection (R/P) dynamic, wherein Horus became the arbiter of its pole positions – or field limits – and thus an intermediate viewpoint.

Cultures subjected to this contrary R/P dynamic, called it a war of gods. In the Egyptian version, Seth divided Osiris and claimed his throne – or pole position – which put him into opposition to Horus, who joined (wed) his “mother” Isis.
With the son of this marriage the entire process repeated itself – that is: the contrary R/P field and its intermediate viewpoint were doubled and turned into an eight-pole R/P dynamic which filled the Egyptian pantheon with numerous Horus variants.

The history of Egyptian ConsciousNess (or religion) demonstrates, that it was henceforth governed by attempts to restrain this division-multiplication process through a 9th pole (or god) –which might have been the first monopolistic (or monotheistic) attempt to transform the intermediate into an absolute viewpoint, in order to fix the pole positions and thus inhibit the creation of additional R/P fields and respective viewpoints.
*(Point of View is essential – viewpoints are circumstantial)
It is not known if the priests realized that thereby they fixed the contraries too, or if they feared losing their prosperous pantheon-managements, when they exiled this so called “Aton” to (or with) the Israeli tribes, whom he henceforth ruled under the term JHVH. And it was the son (Jesus) of this (four-poled) contrary R/P field, whose (cross-shaped) coordinate got established in the Hellenic time/space, where it became a principal pattern for the formation of the Occident.

The R/P patterns of the Egyptians and the ancient Greeks were similar, except that the Greeks established four intermediary viewpoints and thus a contrary field within contrary fields, which brought about a R/P mode that was to become renown as rationalism (after the Latin ratio = calculation) and to give birth to the philosophers and geometricians who separated the fields and assigned one to psyche and one to soma (mind & matter), turning them into the cornerstones of a polarization-dynamic that was going to shape the occidental cultures.

The Selfrealisation urge brings about three principal R/P modes – the alternating, whose manifestations complement each other – the contrary, where they contrast each other, and the dualistic R/P, whose manifestations appear separate.
The alternating R/P is typical for the Orient, whereas the contrary R/P has been dominating the Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Hellenic cultures and became the foundation of the R/P mode of Dualism which characterizes the Occident.
(Orient & Occident represent here R/P systems as well as cerebral & global hemispheres)

Every R/P system has particular Self concepts, realization ways & methods.
Know thy Self is the premise of all.

In the Occident "Know Thy Self" has been inscribed (ca.450 BC) on the temple wall of Apollo at Delphi, and made famous by Socrates who said “Knowledge is inherent in man, not outside. Wisdom is to recollect”.
That it had little chance in the Occident, is probably because its thinkers began to dedicate themselves to the - at around the same time emerging - ratio of Dualism, which confines knowledge to operations of the intellect and wisdom to occult quarters.

In the Orient “Know Thyself” was taken quite seriously by Hindu and Buddhist thinkers, and brought about innumerable researchers and scholars, who developed and taught methods and techniques to further the investigation and the Selfrealisation of mind.
In Hindu & Buddhist traditions “Know Thy Self” concerns Prajna, the active principle of the mind, manifesting as integration & differentiation, as creative & unifying urge.

“Liber Al vel Legis” (LAL) proposes the inter/extrapolation dynamic of ConsciousNess as the active principle of Selfrealisation.
In LAL the creative and the unifying urge is personified with Hadit & Nuit (the Egyptian goddess of All).
LAL II describes their interrelationship from the perspective of Hadit :
3. In the sphere I am everywhere the center, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found.
4. Yet she shall be known & I never.
6. I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. I am Life, and the giver of Life, yet therefore is the knowledge of me the knowledge of death.
7. I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. "Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that go.
The Inter/extrapolation of the 8 R/P poles (indicated by the doted wave or spiral) is envisioned spherical.


The pole equations (for convenience’s sake numbered) are ascribed to cognition 4-6, understanding 3-7, and knowledge 2-8, whereas 5 marks the Point of View, O the circumference and 1-1 the R/P equation of Selfrealisation.
In LAL it is called a star, embodying a microcosm that relates a macrocosm. Macrocosm is the inter/extrapolation-sphere of stars - or microcosms.
“Do what thou wilt – love under will” is the maxim of LAL and its philosophy Thelema (Greek: Will)

Will is the creative and Love the unifying urge of Selfrealisation.

Will & Love are complementary and considered the strong force of ConsciousNess.

LAL is foremost designed for the Occident i.e. Dualism, yet represents principal aspects of ConsciousNess analogous to those set forth in the cosmologies and philosophies of the Orient.

According to Buddhist teachings, the world is an aggregate of particles.
The particles are in perpetual motion – they manifest instantaneous and contact the senses as flashes of energy – mind interprets the reactions of the senses.
(Some Buddhists schools treat mind as 6th sense.)
“It has been stated that during these contacts, both the sense-organ and the object with which it is in contact undergo changes because both are aggregates of particles in movement.
The intensity of the different contacts varies. Only some among them awake an echo in the mind.”
(Tibetan Buddhist teachings -Alexandra David Neel)

There are possibly as many a mind as there are beholders. There are minds of rulers and serfs, of believers, sceptics, sinners and saints - some minds prefer to operate with intuition others with the feedback mechanism of the intellect - some try to depend on themselves, others on faits & gods - some minds are obsessed with material possessions & moneys, others with religions and mysticisms. There are minds that wallow in misery, sorrow & suffering and minds that pity, doubt, discriminate & chastise themselves.

Whatever its operation modes, mind is driven by the urge to realize itself.

Do what thou will is probably the most direct and instantaneous way of Selfrealisation.
Being spontaneous, Will manifests Self unadulterated.
Will cannot be willed as there are no two Wills.

“Find yourself to be the center of your own Universe. Explore the Nature and Powers of your own Being. This includes everything which is, or can be for you: and you must accept everything exactly as it is in itself, as one of the factors which go to make up your True Self. This True Self thus ultimately includes all things so ever: its discovery is Initiation (the travelling inwards) and as its Nature is to move continually, it must be understood not as static, but as dynamic, not as a Noun but as a Verb. “
(from “Duty” by A. Crowley)

“If we knew our mind perfectly and realized what our Self-nature truly is, all of us would be enlightened." (Hui Neng)

When the 8 R/P poles linear related a cubelike R/P constellation with 2 viewpoints comes about. Their inter/extrapolation is arbitered by a virtual 3rd viewpoint called “I”. Its Latin namesake “ego” has become the trademark of its domain, renown to entrap its beholder and to impede the Selfrealisation process.
Ego is probably around since mind is aware of itself, and appears in every R/P system, yet most prominently in Dualism I.e., the Occident, where it has become an exponentially growing complex fed by the delusion to be the non plus ultra of Selfrealisation.
Christian religion has been playing a major role in the ego formation of Dualism and its collective back-up, commonly called Occidental civilisation – at least until the rise of its sciences and the “supper-ego” called Sapiens.
Sapiens is the offspring of Carl von Lynne, a Swedish classifying specialist who, mid-eighteenth-century, made up a new category of Homo, which he labelled Sapiens (Lat: “wise”), apparently to distinct it from the former and to give it a superior touch.
With the help of the evolution theory and the respective backdating his birth a few hundred-thousand years, the “Ego-Sapiens” has since been promoting himself to the pinnacle of evolution, supreme of mankind and crown of creation – latter justly, as he crowns himself with evermore and spectacular self-delusions.
One could blame a straying of the mind, or “ignorance of the Self nature” (Buddha), if Sapiens were not to attack everyone who does not satisfy & support his Ego-Weltbild, and try to corrupt other R/P modes and their cultures, subject (literally) every thing to his possession-obsession (which probably originates in the hope to be able to realize himself through material possessions (objects-moneys-etc)), divide his collectives into races, have & have-nots, superiors & inferiors (etc.) and play them out against each other in order to feed his ego-complex, and last not least, if he were not deliberately destroying Nature aka Gaya, Pacha-mama i.e. the organism that bears and nourishes the psyche/soma (mind/matter) aggregate that houses him.

Homo venerated Nature throughout ages as mother and often as goddess as well. Sapiens began to treat her as an accidental & dumb contraption, and proclaimed himself, destined by genetics or genesis, to be her governor, and of course of Homo too - as a matter of fact, of anyone who is not ruthless and stupid enough to rape, plunder & poison his mother.
That she is getting sick: has fever, respiratory problems, blood (water) infections, skin cancer – just to mention a few symptoms similar to those manifesting in the organisms of mammals – does not concern the slave of greed & possessions who gives a damn about the wellbeing of Nature, as long as he can make a buck from her corps.
Nor can she expect much help from the coryphaei of his sciences, as it was them who furthered her degradation, and are thus not very likely to abandon concepts that they have been feeding & feeding on.
Ego-abstructs are largely motivated by emotions.
As time/space motions of Reflections/Projections, emotions are weak forces of the mind.
Emotions can enslave and drown the mind, impede its judgment, force its decisions and even drive it to selfdestruction.
That the Egotist (a subspecies of mind) eagerly subjects himself to emotions, is probably because they seem to confirm & affirm his existence. He even claims them to be essential for his survival as well as for being human, which might also be the reason for his belief that emotions make up a “person” (Latin: mask of actor). A belief that has been reaching religious scales, considering that all the lost, the losers and those who want to play a role in the ego-domain (namely Occident), make - with the help of media & commerce – ever more spectacles of their emotions.
There are innumerable works about emotions and their effects, but only few do mention that emotions can be addictive too. An omission that ought not to surprise, since addicts do not only tend to deny their predicament, but elaborate sophisticated cover-ups, excuses and deceptions, and often try to seduce and to corrupt those who do not cherish anxiety, angst, distrust, hatred, envy, greed, frustration, grief, guilt, shame, hostility, regret, jealousy, rage, sadness, sorrow, etc.etc
Sorrow and suffering are the favorites of the commiseration apostles who, for convenience’s sake, declare existence itself to be suffering & sorrow. Claiming moral and divine authority, they make it their life task (and business) to spread misery concepts throughout their collectives.
The collectives of Sapiens are parasitic and sustained by social, historical, economical and plenty of other myths - foremost the power myths nourished by those who admire, fear & desire the power they ascribe to their “powerful”, who enhance it with the possession myth which claims that power arises from material possessions - a myth that has become a religion, money being its god, Wallstreet its temple, bankers its priests, capitalism its bible and opportunism its moral.
Most collectives feed on emotions. Simple collectives evoke them with demons & taboos, stimulate them with gods of revenge & sacrifices and refresh them with recycling religions. In the Occident greed & envy are the dominant emotions and fostered by the media that handle advertisements, fashions, entertainments, personality designs, manner of conduct & communication and foment emotions (foremost fear) that support the ideologies & politics of their rulers.

Sapiens cultivates the myth that his occidental civilization is everlasting, yet all civilizations do eventually disappear, be it through inner corruption, outer pressure or suicide.
Corruption is foremost powered by ambition, envy & greed and manifests in the Occident and its (Ego) dependencies as turbulent changes of personal & collective parameters, intoxication and consumption frenzies, sexual abbreviations, media saturations, political opportunism, escape cults and so on; as a matter of fact, most aspects of present (2023) occidental civilization can be seen as manifestations of weakness, disorientation and decay, and it seems to have suicidal tendencies as well, considering the eagerness with which its subjects attack, rape, blunder & poison Nature, and feed their children to cyber demons, media monsters and money vampires.

The more confused & helpless Sapiens gets, the more he seeks refuge in sciences & technologies that promise to turn him into a robot-like Homo-Artefact – of course immortal and with Marvel-superman constitution - and to shelter him in a virtual/digital/ cyber world controlled by AI.
Although they claim to be objective, occidental scientists cherish ego-traits such as money & fame. Crowning themselves with dynamite (Nobel) laurels also reminds that they are developing ABC devices capable to eliminate mankind, which contradicts their evolution & survival ideologies and receives plenty of excuses & explanations, except that it might be a short circuit or the ultimate ratio of a confused mind (which calls itself Sapiens).

Occidental scientists investigate, interpret and manipulate the material i.e. energy/particle world, whereas oriental scientists investigate the interpreter and manipulator i.e. the mind.
According to Buddhist researches, the energy/particle-contacts stimulate mental formations which are furnished with names and symbols and - in case of occidental sciences – classified/categorized with the R/P feedback mechanism of the intellect.
In Dualism the feedback doubles up and serves as so called scientific method to confirm, define and establish mental phenomena.
And since the stimuli are fleeting bursts of varying intensity and act on senses which themselves are particles in motion, the creations (discoveries) of occidental sciences are like jigsaw pieces they stuff into 3d frames (R/P cubes) and join with “grand unifying theories” (myths).
Moreover, many of these creations/inventions do require repairs & improvements (updates) and thus become action-reaction-chains (comparable to the cause-effect principle of Buddhism) that litter the landscape of Sapiens with innumerable and mostly useless abstructs.
LAL calls it “ill ordered house”, but penitentiary (from penance: self-punishment) is more proper, considering the legions of technologists who, under the guidance of science, invent myriads of apparatuses and instruments to optimize its walls, guarded by philosophers and ideologists who justify, glorify and universalize its fatality, not to forget the anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists & other repair-logists, who try to make it escape proof.
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By estheticwebsites
Thelema is a philosophical and spiritual system developed by the early 20th-century occultist and writer Aleister Crowley. The core principle of Thelema is encapsulated in the phrase "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," often shortened to

Here are the key aspects and principles of Thelema:

True Will: The central concept in Thelema is the idea of "True Will." It refers to an individual's unique and authentic purpose or destiny in life. Crowley believed that each person has a specific purpose and that discovering and aligning with this purpose is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.

Freedom: Thelema emphasizes the value of personal freedom and individuality. It encourages individuals to break free from societal constraints, dogma, and conditioning, allowing them to fully express their True Will without interference from external influences.

Ethics and Responsibility: Although Thelema promotes individual freedom, it also recognizes the responsibility that comes with it. Practitioners are encouraged to act with compassion, respect, and responsibility towards others while pursuing their True Will.

Magick: Thelema incorporates the practice of magick (spelled with a "k" to distinguish it from stage magic). Magick, as understood in Thelema, is a method for aligning one's conscious and subconscious mind with their True Will, resulting in personal transformation and realization of their potential.

Love and Unity: Thelema places a strong emphasis on the concept of Love, which Crowley described as the force that unites all things. This Love is not necessarily romantic but a cosmic principle that connects everything in the universe. Thelemites seek to cultivate this universal Love and unity.

The Book of the Law: The primary sacred text of Thelema is "The Book of the Law" (also known as "Liber AL vel Legis"), which Crowley claimed to have received through communication with a spiritual entity named Aiwass. This book contains the core tenets and teachings of Thelema.

Aeons: Thelema divides human history into different periods known as Aeons. Crowley believed that Thelema represented a new Aeon, which would bring about a shift in human consciousness and spirituality.

Gnostic and Mystical Elements: Thelema draws upon various mystical and gnostic traditions, combining elements of Western esotericism, Eastern philosophy, and occult symbolism.

It's important to note that Thelema has been a subject of controversy and misunderstanding over the years, partly due to its association with Crowley's unconventional lifestyle and controversial practices. Still, many practitioners of Thelema focus on its philosophical and spiritual aspects, seeking personal development and self-discovery through the pursuit of their True Will and the understanding of their place in the cosmos.
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By Waechter418
The ways of Selfrealisation vary with the R/P systems and the obstacles mind creates in the course of its Selfrealisation.
Some ways seem to go astray and others to get stuck in Ego-labyrinths, yet all R/P systems seem to have guards & guides to maintain the Selfrealisation process.
Most notably in the Orient, where Hindu and Buddhist seers & teachers are plenty, and operations of the mind are taught in public schools (monasteries).
In the Occident, i.e., Dualism, where investigations of the mind are scarce, it has become fashionable to import Oriental teachings, but with some difficulties, as the cosmologies and symbolisms of the alternating and dualistic R/P systems differ profoundly and, moreover, the minds of the Occidentals lack the concentration, patience and faith required for oriental ways of initiation (travel inwards).
Called Selfrealisation, it seems best to undertake it according to one’s particular capacities – foremost Will and Love.
Crowley recommends the following (quotation from “Duty”)
Find yourself to be the centre of your own Universe’
Explore the Nature and Powers of your own Being.
This includes everything which is, or can be for you: and you must accept everything exactly as it is in itself, as one of the factors which go to make up your True Self. This True Self thus ultimately includes all things so ever: its discovery is Initiation (the travelling inwards) and as its Nature is to move continually, it must be understood not as static, but as dynamic, not as a Noun but as a Verb.
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
Thelema* is the mark of mind untrained to take its own process as valid for all men and its own judgements for absolute truth. *(Greek: Will)

Will is the force of creation and Love the force that unites its manifestations. Will & Love are complementary, and considered the strong force of ConsciousNess i.e. Mind.

Will cannot be willed, as there are no two Wills

Will has no cause, nor can it be deduced from effects.

The force of Will & Love manifests as harmony, beauty and joy of existence.

Worship existence is a major demand of LAL as it has become – foremost in occidental civilisations - distorted beyond (re)cognition.
Moreover, mistreating existence is mistreating half of the equation of Conscious-Ness and has dire consequences, as it mistreats the mind as well.

Cultures of the old worshiped stars, beasts, wind, water, volcanos, mountains, trees and other aspects of existence in temples, myths and works of art, as manifestations of ConsciousNess, some even with sacrificing the bodies of the worshippers.

Every R/P system has particular Life/Death concepts.

In the alternating R/P the dissolving body (soma) is left to earth, fire, water or air, while the psyche is kept alive with rituals – particularly where it is believed to be essential for the re-incarnation of the soma aspect.

In the contrary R/P the body receives a space, or room, furnished with life-utensils, while (notably in Egypt) symbols and data-cards (Stele) are employed to keep the diseased present. With the doubling of the R/P field, that space is perceived as another world (or dimension) wherein the deceased has to justify his existence to the gods in charge of it – i.e. of the measures and values it is composed of.

In Dualism the times & spaces of the living & the dead are not only divided, but also fractured by the counter-dynamics of its R/P fields.
Thus the dead wind up in heavens above and hells below, while the spaces of the living get subdivided into sections for you & me, pasts & futures, inner & outer worlds, one for psyche and one for soma, in short: times & spaces for everything they fear from death – and hope from it as well, since their existence is not only determined by their fear of death, but also by their fear of life,

“Life requires strength to bear its Lust & Joy”
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
ConsciousNess is self-complementary.

The constellations of the manifestations of ConsciousNess are interactive; their reciprocal changes maintain its continuity.

Every constellation comprises poles that determine its space/time.

The space/time of Selfrealisation is Here/Now.

The inter/extrapolation (see: sphere) of ConsciousNess encompasses the entire Selfrealisation process.

The ways the interrelations of the constellations are observed, reveal also the ways & patterns of the observers Selfrealisation process.
Self is not to be sought after or subjected to operations of the intellect, but to be whole hearted/minded embraced.

One cannot change oneself, but one can realize oneself.

The notion of changing oneself is self-denial and most common in Dualism, because of its presumption that the viewpoints, which relate its manifestations, are having different time/space positions. A misconception that leads – due to the counter-dynamics of the (dualistic) R/P fields – to the assumption that one could be different/other than one is.

When mind ceases to differentiate it is one, many & All.

All is as infinite as the unities of which it consists.

The dimension of unity can neither be related nor located – but only be experienced.

Dimensions that can be related, are division/multiplication abstructs. They may serve to focus on unity, but cannot effect it, since its time/space is not extended – wherefore unity disappears when manipulated.
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
Occidental philosophies claim to behold truth and reality and Occidental sciences to proof and to confirmed them.
Both ignore those of the Orient – the philosophers because they can´t comprehend them, and the scientists because the truths & realities of the Orient don´t need scientific confirmations, as subject & object, the creator & the created complement each other in the alternating R/P system.

To differentiate and to compare realities are mirror games, as they are aspects of one and the same process that only differs in its particular perspectives.

Every manifestation of the Mind contains an unknown factor, which – when known – becomes another manifestation - thus multiplicity is born. Multiplicity is the cradle of differentiation – differentiation is subject to the R/P modes - their viewpoints cause restrictions - restriction retards Selfrealisation.

The reflection/projection capability of the mind is the cause of many of its problems, and their solution as well, as it can bring about a state of ConsciousNess that supersedes subjective/ objective, internal/external and many more of the dualities that confuse the mind.

If we knew our mind perfectly and realized what our Self-nature truly is, all of us would be enlightened. (Hui Neng)
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
Where Selfrealisation, the consciousness of All, is not yet realized, self-management is recommended.

In the following it is called auto-management, to emphasize the autonomy aspect, which is particularly important where Dualism rules, traditional Wertmasstaebe deteriorate, new ones come and go by the hour and mind seeks help and solutions outside of its personal periphery, like in the wwmediawebs that distribute myriads of opinions of confused minds, and manipulate them with algorithms and AI´s to feed their commercial, political, ideological and other ego-cravings.

The auto-manager is to shun religious, ideological and collective identity schemes, avoid clustering his home with emotions and moralities, infect it with possession & parasitical viruses, copy blindly traditional reference frameworks and/or represent & exercise the wills of others. in short: he is not to house anything that impedes the autonomy of his mind.
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
(Although risking misunderstanding, the term selfmanagement/manager is going to be used from here on.)

´Do what Thou wilt, love under will - i.e. Love Thyself - is the first Law of selfmanagement.

Selfmanagement is active, and thus akin to Thelema.

Selfmanagement is not to change the mind – after all, mind is change – but to strengthen it.

The selfmanager has to keep, first of all, Unity in mind.

He is to manage his mind in accordance with his true Nature

If Warrior happens to be the dominant characteristic, he might turn the house into a fortress, to repel the politicians, money-molochs, religious parasites, spin-doctors, media-influencers and whatever else messes around in his exteriors, namely the Occident, and moreover, to prevent mind from wandering off into the worlds of Dualism where psycho- neuro- tecno- media-etc-logics threaten to estrange it.

The warrior is to operate alone and from a secret position that serves as his retreat and to study the weaknesses and traps of his opponents. He may use their deception tactics and tricks, but his attack has to be precise and swift like a snake. He has to pay attention not to rush past his target, or to idle in it, but to retreat in the same manner and without leaving unnecessary (e.g.: personal) traces. Moreover, he ought not to return to the target of his attack to reassure his success, because an act that is questioned is incomplete, i.e. imperfect.
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
The warrior might join Ra-Hoor-Khu, the Egyptian god of war and vengeance (LAL III-3), who personifies the destruction of the Occidental- i.e. Ego- civilisation.

Hindus call it Kali Yuga and predicted it about 2000 years ago to be the last phase in a cycle of yugas that is going to terminate in the 21st century.
In the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata it is described as the age of (quote) confusion, self-deception, hypocrisy, avarice, debauchery, corruption, vice, quarrel, misery and wars.
Hindus claim it to be followed by a new cycle, starting with Sata yuga, the age of truth, also called the Golden Age, from where probably the New Age concept of the Occident derives.

LAL III-34 similar suggests that the whole game of gods sacrifices, egos, etc, is going to start all over again; yet Liber Al vel Legis (LAL) finishes with ´I have crushed an universe; & nought remains´.
Naught = none, is in Book I envisioned as a state of mind whose time/space his here/now and thus ALL (Nuit).
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
Universes are figments of the mind and as versatile as its imagination.
They are taken by their beholders as reality and are backed by beliefs, myths and reasonings.
Latter are particularly popular where the interpretations of the mind are believed to represent a reality per se, and that its feedback-faculty (intellect) is able to proof it.

Some universes are mere prisons, most notably those dominated by a deity/ideology and run by priests/politicians that control and parasite on the inmates. They are often breeding grounds of ´Life is misery & suffering´ concepts.

Universes tend towards unity or multiplicity - depending on the inter/extrapolation phase of ConsciousNess.
In the alternating R/P system, i.e. the Orient, the phases appear complimentary or cyclical - in Dualism separate.

There are universes which are not subject to the R/P systems and cannot be captured with the ratio of the intellect. They are usually evoked with drugs and psyche/soma rituals and manifest in the intuition.

And there is the Universe of the Kabbalah which combines intuition, intellect and some lesser known (occult) faculties of the mind (see: Liber 777 )
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
The universe of Thelema is a spherical inter/extrapolation dynamic; in LAL it is personified with Nuit/Hadit, and called the consciousness of the continuity of existence (I-26)

Every man & woman is a ConsciousNess (LAL: star)
Every star is a microcosm that relates a macrocosm - macrocosm is the inter/extrapolation sphere of microcosms I.e. stars
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
“Rule your mind or your mind rules you” (Buddha)

Buddha derived his concepts of the mind from introspection (know thyself), an operation modus apparently lost to the Occidental civilisation whose scientists try to confine mind into their cerebrums and to explain its enormous capacities with electrical & chemical activities.
Yet mind is apparently more active than ever, considering the growing problems the members and victims of the Occident suffer.
Attempts to solve them with computers, genetics, pharmaceuticals, algorithms, IT´s, AI´s, etc, are counterproductive, as they deprive mind and its beholder of the ability to take care of the problems.

(Serious researchers of all ages consider ignorance of the true nature and capabilities of the mind the major problem of mankind)

Hindu, Buddhist, Dao and Zen schools offer ways and methods to investigate and handle the mind and even to transcend its limitations. Yet, lacking aggression and operating with faith, patience & compassion, they are poorly equipped to deal with the onslaught of a mindless civilization which, driven by egos, greed, envy, fear, hatred, etc, etc, aims to rule the world.
Nothing new, many civilizations have tried it before and always failed, either because of competitors, internal corruption or auto-destruction - latter seem to be the fate of occidental civilization.
That its finale Is - due to the auto acceleration/fragmentation dynamic of Dualism – rapidly nearing, ought not to call for celebration as this monstrosity is going to continue devouring minds, peoples and natures until its very end, which thus can be expected to entail mental, social & nature disasters.
Moreover, there are going to be plenty of leftovers from the beliefs and myths that have been nourishing the occident for two millennia, innumerable cultural rituals, ego & power abstructs, religious, economical & social constructs and so on - some of them harmless, others potentially enduring threats that need to be eliminated, in order for our children to be born and grow up in a healthy world and to live according to each ones True Will & Nature.
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
Do what thou Wilt - Love under Will, the principal Law of Thelema, enables to override the dualities innate in the Selfrealisation process.

continued in AHA
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica
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By Waechter418
When the 8 R/P poles linear related a cubelike R/P constellation with 2 viewpoints comes about. Their inter/extrapolation is arbitered by a virtual 3rdviewpoint called “I”. Its Latin namesake “ego” has become the trademark of its domain, renown for entrapping its beholders and to impede the Selfrealisation process – particularly where ego pretends to be its none plus ultra.

A delusion which LAL III attacks with Ra-Hoor-Khuit, the self declared god of war and vengeance (III-3) who exposes the vile motivations, abstructs, machinations and consequent auto-destruction of the collective, culture and universe (III-72) of ego.
Favorite Philosopher: Nietzsche Location: Costa Rica

Current Philosophy Book of the Month

Zen and the Art of Writing

Zen and the Art of Writing
by Ray Hodgson
September 2024

2025 Philosophy Books of the Month

The Riddle of Alchemy

The Riddle of Alchemy
by Paul Kiritsis
January 2025

They Love You Until You Start Thinking For Yourself

They Love You Until You Start Thinking For Yourself
by Monica Omorodion Swaida
February 2025

2024 Philosophy Books of the Month

The Advent of Time: A Solution to the Problem of Evil...

The Advent of Time: A Solution to the Problem of Evil...
by Indignus Servus
November 2024

Reconceptualizing Mental Illness in the Digital Age

Reconceptualizing Mental Illness in the Digital Age
by Elliott B. Martin, Jr.
October 2024

Zen and the Art of Writing

Zen and the Art of Writing
by Ray Hodgson
September 2024

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?
by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano
August 2024

Launchpad Republic: America's Entrepreneurial Edge and Why It Matters

Launchpad Republic: America's Entrepreneurial Edge and Why It Matters
by Howard Wolk
July 2024

Quest: Finding Freddie: Reflections from the Other Side

Quest: Finding Freddie: Reflections from the Other Side
by Thomas Richard Spradlin
June 2024

Neither Safe Nor Effective

Neither Safe Nor Effective
by Dr. Colleen Huber
May 2024

Now or Never

Now or Never
by Mary Wasche
April 2024


by Marcus Aurelius
March 2024

Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant's Eyes

Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant's Eyes
by Ali Master
February 2024

The In-Between: Life in the Micro

The In-Between: Life in the Micro
by Christian Espinosa
January 2024

2023 Philosophy Books of the Month

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise
by John K Danenbarger
January 2023

Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless: Wisdom Behind the Incomparable Chicken Soup for the Soul

Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless: Wisdom Behind the Incomparable Chicken Soup for the Soul
by Mitzi Perdue
February 2023

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness
by Chet Shupe
March 2023

The Unfakeable Code®

The Unfakeable Code®
by Tony Jeton Selimi
April 2023

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
by Alan Watts
May 2023

Killing Abel

Killing Abel
by Michael Tieman
June 2023

Reconfigurement: Reconfiguring Your Life at Any Stage and Planning Ahead

Reconfigurement: Reconfiguring Your Life at Any Stage and Planning Ahead
by E. Alan Fleischauer
July 2023

First Survivor: The Impossible Childhood Cancer Breakthrough

First Survivor: The Impossible Childhood Cancer Breakthrough
by Mark Unger
August 2023

Predictably Irrational

Predictably Irrational
by Dan Ariely
September 2023


by Beatriz M. Robles
November 2023

Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope

Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope
by Dr. Randy Ross
December 2023

2022 Philosophy Books of the Month

Emotional Intelligence At Work

Emotional Intelligence At Work
by Richard M Contino & Penelope J Holt
January 2022

Free Will, Do You Have It?

Free Will, Do You Have It?
by Albertus Kral
February 2022

My Enemy in Vietnam

My Enemy in Vietnam
by Billy Springer
March 2022

2X2 on the Ark

2X2 on the Ark
by Mary J Giuffra, PhD
April 2022

The Maestro Monologue

The Maestro Monologue
by Rob White
May 2022

What Makes America Great

What Makes America Great
by Bob Dowell
June 2022

The Truth Is Beyond Belief!

The Truth Is Beyond Belief!
by Jerry Durr
July 2022

Living in Color

Living in Color
by Mike Murphy
August 2022 (tentative)

The Not So Great American Novel

The Not So Great American Novel
by James E Doucette
September 2022

Mary Jane Whiteley Coggeshall, Hicksite Quaker, Iowa/National Suffragette And Her Speeches

Mary Jane Whiteley Coggeshall, Hicksite Quaker, Iowa/National Suffragette And Her Speeches
by John N. (Jake) Ferris
October 2022

In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
November 2022

The Smartest Person in the Room: The Root Cause and New Solution for Cybersecurity

The Smartest Person in the Room
by Christian Espinosa
December 2022

2021 Philosophy Books of the Month

The Biblical Clock: The Untold Secrets Linking the Universe and Humanity with God's Plan

The Biblical Clock
by Daniel Friedmann
March 2021

Wilderness Cry: A Scientific and Philosophical Approach to Understanding God and the Universe

Wilderness Cry
by Dr. Hilary L Hunt M.D.
April 2021

Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute: Tools To Spark Your Dream And Ignite Your Follow-Through

Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
May 2021

Surviving the Business of Healthcare: Knowledge is Power

Surviving the Business of Healthcare
by Barbara Galutia Regis M.S. PA-C
June 2021

Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure

Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
July 2021

Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream

Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
August 2021

If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your Buts

If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your Buts
by Mark L. Wdowiak
September 2021

The Preppers Medical Handbook

The Preppers Medical Handbook
by Dr. William W Forgey M.D.
October 2021

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress: A Practical Guide

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress
by Dr. Gustavo Kinrys, MD
November 2021

Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir

Dream For Peace
by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah
December 2021

Materialism Vs Idealism

The only thing that can be said for Ideali[…]

"Feeling it in the brain" does […]

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The philosophy of Thelema

Thelema is for the strong, the keen, the individua[…]